Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. முற்கால வார்த்தொங்கீட்டுத் தண்டனை, (வினை.) வார்த்தொங்கீட்டுத் தண்டனையால் சித்திரவதைக்கு ஆளாக்கு.

Strap*pa"do, n.; pl. Strappadoes. Etym: [It. strappata a pull, the strappado, from strappare to pull, from Prov. G. strapfen: cf. G. straff tense, stretched.] Defn: A military punishment formerly practiced, which consisted in drawing an offender to the top of a beam and letting him fall to the length of the rope, by which means a limb was often dislocated. Shak. Strap*pa"do, v. t. Defn: To punish or torture by the strappado. Milton.

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