Tamil Dictionary 🔍


Spec"u*la*tive, a. Etym: [Cf. F. spéculatif, L. speculativus.] 1. Given to speculation; contemplative. The mind of man being by nature speculative. Hooker. 2. Involving, or formed by, speculation; ideal; theoretical; not established by demonstration. Cudworth. 3. Of or pertaining to vision; also, prying; inquisitive; curious. [R.] Bacon. 4. Of or pertaining to speculation in land, goods, shares, etc.; as, a speculative dealer or enterprise. The speculative merchant exercises no one regular, established, or well-known branch of business. A. Smith. -- Spec"u*la*tive*ly, adv. -- Spec"u*la*tive*ness, n.

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