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n. பிழம்பியல்பு, கெட்டிமை, செறிவு, திட்பம், நிலைத்த தன்மை, நிலையமைதி, நல்லமைதி, உறுதி, பிழம்பளவு.

So*lid"i*ty, n. Etym: [L. soliditas: cf. F. solidité.] 1. The state or quality of being solid; density; consistency, -- opposed to fluidity; compactness; fullness of matter, -- opposed to openness or hollowness; strength; soundness, -- opposed to weakness or instability; the primary quality or affection of matter by which its particles exclude or resist all others; hardness; massiveness. That which hinders the approach of two bodies when they are moving one toward another, I call solidity. Locke. 2. Moral firmness; soundness; strength; validity; truth; certainty; - - as opposed to weakness or fallaciousness; as, the solidity of arguments or reasoning; the solidity of principles, triuths, or opinions. 3. (Geom.) Defn: The solid contents of a body; volume; amount of inclosed space. Syn. -- Firmness; solidness; hardness; density; compactness; strength; soundness; validity; certainty.

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