Tamil Dictionary 🔍


adv. தனியாக, தனி ஒருவனாக, தானாக, தாமாக, பிறர் துணையின்றி, ஒன்றொன்றாக, தனித்தனியாக, ஒவ்வொருவராக.

Sin"gly, adv. 1. Individually; particularly; severally; as, to make men singly and personally good. 2. Only; by one's self; alone. Look thee, 't is so! Thou singly honest man. Shak. 3. Without partners, companions, or associates; single-handed; as, to attack another singly. At omber singly to decide their doom. Pope. 4. Honestly; sincerely; simply. [R.] Johnson. 5. Singularly; peculiarly. [Obs.] Milton.

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