Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. தனிக்குறிப்புடைய, தனிப்பொருட் சுட்டுடைய, குறிப்பு வளஞ்சான்ற, தனிச்சிறப்புடைய.

Sig*nif"i*ca*tive, a. Etym: [L. significativus: cf. F. significatif.] 1. Betokening or representing by an external sign. The holy symbols or signs are not barely significative. Brerewood. 2. Having signification or meaning; expressive of a meaning or purpose; significant. Neither in the degrees of kindred they were destitute of significative words. Camden. -- Sig*nif"i*ca*tive*ly, adv. -- Sig*nif"i*ca*tive*ness, n.

significative - Similar Words