Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. தற்பற்றார்ந்த, குறுகிய தன்னலமுடைய, தன்னலமே கருதுகிற, பிறர்நலம் கருதிப்பாராத, தன்னலத்தால் தூண்டப்பெற்ற.



Self"ish, a. 1. Caring supremely or unduly for one's self; regarding one's own comfort, advantage, etc., in disregard, or at the expense, of those of others. They judge of things according to their own private appetites and selfish passions. Cudworth. In that throng of selfish hearts untrue. Keble. 2. (Ethics) Defn: Believing or teaching that the chief motives of human action are derived from love of self. Hobbes and the selfish school of philosophers. Fleming.

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