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San"guine, a. Etym: [F. sanguin, L. sanguineus, fr. sanguis blood. Cf. Sanguineous.] 1. Having the color of blood; red. Of his complexion he was sanguine. Chaucer. Like to that sanguine flower inscribed with woe. Milton. 2. Characterized by abundance and active circulation of blood; as, a sanguine bodily temperament. 3. Warm; ardent; as, a sanguine temper. 4. Anticipating the best; not desponding; confident; full of hope; as, sanguine of success. Syn. -- Warm; ardent; lively; confident; hopeful. San"guine, n. 1. Blood color; red. Spenser. 2. Anything of a blood-red, as cloth. [Obs.] In sanguine and in pes he clad was all. Chaucer. 3. (Min.) Defn: Bloodstone. 4. Red crayon. See the Note under Crayon, 1. San"guine, v. t. Defn: To stain with blood; to impart the color of blood to; to ensanguine. San"guine, adv. Defn: In a sanguine manner. I can not speculate quite so sanguinely as he does. Burke.

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