Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. வல்லாளன், பேராண்மையாளன், (கப்.) தளஆதாரத்தூண், திமிங்கிலவேட்டைக் கயிற்றின் ஆதாரதூண்.

Sam"son, n. Defn: An Israelite of Bible record (see Judges xiii.), distinguished for his great strength; hence, a man of extraordinary physical strength. Samson post. (a) (Naut.) A strong post resting on the keelson, and supporting a beam of the keelson, and supporting a beam of the deck; also, a temporary or movable pilar carrying a leading block or pulley for various purposes. Brande & C. (b) In deepwell boring, the post which supports the walking beam of the apparatus.

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