Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஒரே வகையான தன்மை, ஒரேபடித்தான நிலை, மாறுதலற்ற இயல்பு.


#noun reception, salutation grateful, acceptable, pleasant, agreeable, gratifying,pleasing


#noun repudiation, repulsion unwelcome, ungrateful, unacceptable, distasteful, unpleasant,disagreeable

Same"ness, n. 1. The state of being the same, identity; abscence of difference; near resemblance; correspondence; similarity; as, a sameness of person, of manner, of sound, of appearance, and the like. "A sameness of the terms." Bp. Horsley. 2. Hence, want of variety; tedious monotony. Syn. -- Identity; identicalness; oneness.

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