Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. (உயி., தாவ.) உட்பை அமைவு, உட்பையறை, ஊனீர்ப்பைக் கட்டு, பெண்டிர் தளர் அங்கி.

Sac, n. (Ethnol.) Defn: See Sace. Sac, n. Etym: [See Sake, Soc.] (O.Eng. Law) Defn: The privilege formerly enjoyed the lord of a manor, of holding courts, trying causes, and imposing fines. Cowell. Sac, n. Etym: [F., fr. L. saccus a sack. See Sack a bag.] 1. See 2d Sack. 2. (Biol.) Defn: A cavity, bag, or receptacle, usually containing fluid, and either closed, or opening into another cavity to the exterior; a sack.

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