Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. கடமையில் கவனமற்ற, விழப்பில்லாத, வழுவிய, விடுபட்ட.



Re*miss" (r-ms"), a. Etym: [L. remissus, p. p. of remittere to send back, relax. See Remit.] Defn: Not energetic or exact in duty or business; not careful or prompt in fulfilling engagements; negligent; careless; tardy; behindhand; lagging; slack; hence, lacking earnestness or activity; languid; slow. Thou never wast remiss, I bear thee witness. Milton. These nervous, bold; those languid and remiss. Roscommon. Its motion becomes more languid and remiss. Woodward. Syn. -- Slack; dilatory; slothful; negligent; careless; neglectful; inattentive; heedles; thoughtless. Re*miss", n. Defn: The act of being remiss; inefficiency; failure. [Obs.] "Remisses of laws." Puttenham.

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