Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. திரும்பப்பெறத்தக்க, மீடகத்தக்க, முன்னிலையடைத்தக்க.

Re*cov"er*a*ble (-*b'l), a. Etym: [Cf. F. recouvrable.] Defn: Capable of being recovered or regained; capable of being brought back to a former condition, as from sickness, misfortune, etc.; obtainable from a debtor or possessor; as, the debt is recoverable; goods lost or sunk in the ocean are not recoverable. A prodigal course Is like the sun's; but not, like his, recoverable. Shak. If I am recoverable, why am I thus Cowper. -- Re*cov"er*a*ble*ness, n.

recoverable - Similar Words