Tamil Dictionary 🔍


எண்ணுதல், கணக்கிடுதல், கப்பலிருக்கும் இடத்தை மதிப்பிட்டறிதல், சாராயக்கடை விலைப்பட்டி, கணக்குத் தீர்த்தல், கணக்குத் தீர்ப்பு.


Reck"on*ing, n. 1. The act of one who reckons, counts, or computes; the result of reckoning or counting; calculation. Specifically: (a) An account of time. Sandys. (b) Adjustment of claims and accounts; settlement of obligations, liabilities, etc. Even reckoning makes lasting friends, and the way to make reckonings even is to make them often. South. He quitted London, never to return till the day of a terrible and memorable reckoning had arrived. Macaulay. 2. The charge or account made by a host at an inn. A coin would have a nobler use than to pay a reckoning. Addison. 3. Esteem; account; estimation. You make no further reckoning of it [beauty] than of an outward fading benefit nature bestowed. Sir P. Sidney. 4. (Navigation) (a) The calculation of a ship's position, either from astronomical observations, or from the record of the courses steered and distances sailed as shown by compass and log, -- in the latter case called dead reckoning (see under Dead); -- also used fro dead reckoning in contradistinction to observation. (b) The position of a ship as determined by calculation. To be out of her reckoning, to be at a distance from the place indicated by the reckoning; -- said of a ship.

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