Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. காப்பாளர், ஆதரவாளர், ஆட்சிக்காவலர், ஆட்சிப் பேராளர், காப்புக்கருவி, காப்புத் துணைப்பொருள்.

Pro*tect"or, n. Etym: [L.: cf. F. protecteur.] 1. One who, or that which, defends or shields from injury, evil, oppression, etc.; a defender; a guardian; a patron. For the world's protector shall be known. Waller. 2. (Eng. Hist.) Defn: One having the care of the kingdom during the king's minority; a regent. Is it concluded he shall be protector ! Shak. 3. (R. C. Ch.) Defn: A cardinal, from one of the more considerable Roman Catholic nations, who looks after the interests of his people at Rome; also, a cardinal who has the same relation to a college, religious order, etc. Lord Protector (Eng. Hist.), the title of Oliver Cromwell as supreme governor of the British Commonwealth (1653-1658).

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