Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. வருவது முன்குறிந்த நிலை, (இலக்.) வரும்பொருள் முன்குறித்த பெயரடை வழக்கு.

Pro*lep"sis, n. Etym: [L., fr. Gr. 1. (Rhet.) (a) A figure by which objections are anticipated or prevented. Abp. Bramhall. (b) A necessary truth or assumption; a first or assumed principle. 2. (Chron.) Defn: An error in chronology, consisting in an event being dated before the actual time. 3. (Gram.) Defn: The application of an adjective to a noun in anticipation, or to denote the result, of the action of the verb; as, to strike one dumb.

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