Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. ஊகி, மெய்யெனக் கொண்டு நிகழ்த்து, ஆராயாமலே ஏற்றுக்கொள், மெய்யெனக்கொள், துணிந்து எண்ணு, எண்ணும் உரிமை எடுத்துக்கொள், தகவுகடந்துசெல், உரிமை எல்லைதாண்டு, உரிமையின்றிச் செயலாற்று, தப்ச் சலுகைகொள்.



Pre*sume", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Presumed; p. pr. & vb. n. Presuming.] Etym: [F. présumer, L. praesumere, praesumptum; prae before + sumere to take. See Assume, Redeem.] 1. To assume or take beforehand; esp., to do or undertake without leave or authority previously obtained. Dare he presume to scorn us in this manner Shak. Bold deed thou hast presumed, adventurous Eve. Milton. 2. To take or suppose to be true, or entitled to belief, without examination or proof, or on the strength of probability; to take for granted; to infer; to suppose. Every man is to be presumed innocent till he is proved to be guilty. Blackstone. What rests but that the mortal sentence pass, . . . Which he presumes already vain and void, Because not yet inflicted Milton. Pre*sume", v. i. 1. To suppose or assume something to be, or to be true, on grounds deemed valid, though not amounting to proof; to believe by anticipation; to infer; as, we may presume too far. 2. To venture, go, or act, by an assumption of leave or authority not granted; to go beyond what is warranted by the circumstances of the case; to venture beyond license; to take liberties; -- often with on or upon before the ground of confidence. Do not presume too much upon my love. Shak. This man presumes upon his parts. Locke.

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