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-1 n. குறும்பு விளையாட்டு, சிறு குறும்பு, நையாண்டிக்குறும்பு, இயந்திரங்கள் வகையில் ஒழுங்கற்ற இயக்கம்.-2 v. ஒப்பனைசெய், அலங்கரித்துக்கொள், மலர்கள் முதலியவற்றால் அணிசெய்.


Prank, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pranked; p. pr. & vb. n. Pranking.] Etym: [Cf. E. prink, also G. prangen, prunken, to shine, to make a show, Dan. prange, prunke, Sw. prunka, D. pronken.] Defn: To adorn in a showy manner; to dress or equip ostentatiously; - - often followed by up; as, to prank up the body. See Prink. In sumptuous tire she joyed herself to prank. Spenser. Prank, v. i. Defn: To make ostentatious show. White houses prank where once were huts. M. Arnold. Prank, n. Defn: A gay or sportive action; a ludicrous, merry, or mischievous trick; a caper; a frolic. Spenser. The harpies . . . played their accustomed pranks. Sir W. Raleigh. His pranks have been too broad to bear with. Shak. Prank, a. Defn: Full of gambols or tricks. [Obs.] Prank, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pranked; p. pr. & vb. n. Pranking.] Etym: [Cf. E. prink, also G. prangen, prunken, to shine, to make a show, Dan. prange, prunke, Sw. prunka, D. pronken.] Defn: To adorn in a showy manner; to dress or equip ostentatiously; - - often followed by up; as, to prank up the body. See Prink. In sumptuous tire she joyed herself to prank. Spenser. Prank, v. i. Defn: To make ostentatious show. White houses prank where once were huts. M. Arnold. Prank, n. Defn: A gay or sportive action; a ludicrous, merry, or mischievous trick; a caper; a frolic. Spenser. The harpies . . . played their accustomed pranks. Sir W. Raleigh. His pranks have been too broad to bear with. Shak. Prank, a. Defn: Full of gambols or tricks. [Obs.]

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