Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பின்புறக் கதவு, புறக்கடை, பக்கக்கதவு, பக்கவாயில்.

Pos"tern, n. Etym: [OF. posterne, posterle, F. poterne, fr. L. posterula, fr. posterus coming after. See Posterior.] 1. Originally, a back door or gate; a private entrance; hence, any small door or gate. He by a privy postern took his flight. Spenser. Out at the postern, by the abbey wall. Shak. 2. (Fort.) Defn: A subterraneous passage communicating between the parade and the main ditch, or between the ditches and the interior of the outworks. Mahan. Pos"tern, a. Defn: Back; being behind; private. "The postern door." Dryden.

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