Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. காசகசாச்செடி, மயக்கமூட்டும் பாற்சாற்றினையுடைய செடிவகை.n. காசகசாச்செடி, மயக்கமூட்டும் பாற்சாற்றினையுடைய செடிவகை.

Pop"py, n.; pl. Poppies. Etym: [OE. popy, AS. popig, L. papaver.] (Bot.) Defn: Any plant or species of the genus Papaver, herbs with showy polypetalous flowers and a milky juice. From one species (Papaver somniferum) opium is obtained, though all the species contain it to some extent; also, a flower of the plant. See Illust. of Capsule. California poppy (Bot.), any yellow-flowered plant of the genus Eschscholtzia. -- Corn poppy. See under Corn. -- Horn, or Horned, poppy. See under Horn. -- Poppy bee (Zoöl.), a leaf-cutting bee (Anthocopa papaveris) which uses pieces cut from poppy petals for the lining of its cells; -- called also upholsterer bee. -- Prickly poppy (Bot.), Argemone Mexicana, a yellow-flowered plant of the Poppy family, but as prickly as a thistle. -- Poppy seed, the seed the opium poppy (P. somniferum). -- Spatling poppy (Bot.), a species of Silene (S. inflata). See Catchfly. Pop"py, Pop"py*head`, n. Etym: [F. poupée doll, puppet. See Puppet.] (Arch.) Defn: A raised ornament frequently having the form of a final. It is generally used on the tops of the upright ends or elbows which terminate seats, etc., in Gothic churches.

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