Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. வான்கோள்களுக்குரிய, நிலவுலகுக்குரிய, இம்மைக்குரிய, இவ்வுலக வாழ்வுசார்ந்த, உலகியலான, நிலைதிரிகிற, நிலை திரும்புகிற.

Plan"et*a*ry, a. Etym: [Cf. L. planetarius an astrologer, F. planétaire planetary. See Planet.] 1. Of or pertaining to the planets; as, planetary inhabitants; planetary motions; planetary year. 2. Consisting of planets; as, a planetary system. 3. (Astrol.) Defn: Under the dominion or influence of a planet. "Skilled in the planetary hours." Drayton. 4. Caused by planets. "A planetary plague." Shak. 5. Having the nature of a planet; erratic; revolving; wandering. "Erratical and planetary life." Fuller. Planetary days, the days of the week as shared among the planets known to the ancients, each having its day. Hutton. -- Planetary nebula, a nebula exhibiting a uniform disk, like that of a planet.

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