Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. இரக்க முண்டு பண்ணுகிற, இரங்கத்தக்க, வருந்தத்தக்க.



Pit"e*ous, a. Etym: [OE. pitous, OF. pitos, F. piteux. See Pity.] 1. Pious; devout. [Obs.] The Lord can deliver piteous men from temptation. Wyclif. 2. Evincing pity, compassion, or sympathy; compassionate; tender. "[She] piteous of his case." Pope. She was so charitable and so pitous. Chaucer. 3. Fitted to excite pity or sympathy; wretched; miserable; lamentable; sad; as, a piteous case. Spenser. The most piteous tale of Lear. Shak. 4. Paltry; mean; pitiful. "Piteous amends." Milton. Syn. -- Sorrowful; mournful; affecting; doleful; woeful; rueful; sad; wretched; miserable; pitiable; pitiful; compassionate. -- Pit"e*ous*ly, adv. -- Pit"e*ous*ness, n.

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