Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. மார்பணிக் கவசம், யூத உயர்குருவின் மார்பணிப்பட்டிகை,(பெ.) நெஞ்சுக்குரிய, மார்பு சார்ந்த, மார்பு நோய்க்குக் குவ்ம் அளிக்கிற, மார்பில் அணியப்படுகிற.

Pec"to*ral, a. Etym: [L. pectoralis, fr. pectus, -oris the breast; cf. F. pectoral.] 1. Of or pertaining to the breast, or chest; as, the pectoral muscles. 2. Relating to, or good for, diseases of the chest or lungs; as, a pectoral remedy. 3. (Zoöl.) Defn: Having the breast conspicuously colored; as, the pectoral sandpiper. Pectoral arch, or Pectoral girdle (Anat.), the two or more bony or cartilaginous pieces of the vertebrate skeleton to which the fore limbs are articulated; the shoulder girdle. In man it consists of two bones, the scapula and clavicle, on each side. -- Pectorial cross (Eccl.), a cross worn on the breast by bishops and abbots, and sometimes also by canons. -- Pectorial fins, or Pectorials (Zoöl.), fins situated on the sides, behind the gills. See Illust. under Fin. -- Pectorial rail. (Zoöl.) See Land rail (b) under Land. -- Pectorial sandpiper (Zoöl.), the jacksnipe (b). Pec"to*ral, n. Etym: [L. pectorale a breastplate, neut. of pectorials.] 1. A covering or protecting for the breast. 2. (Eccl.) (a) A breastplate, esp. that worn by the Jewish high person. (b) A clasp or a cross worn on the breast. 3. A medicine for diseases of the chest organs, especially the lungs.

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