Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. நோயர், நோய்நோற்பவர், மருத்துவரின் வாடிக்கையர், (பெ.) பொறுமையுள்ள, பொறுத்துக்கொள்கிற, நீடித்துக் தாங்கும் ஆற்றலுடைய, விடா ஊக்கமுடைய, ஏற்கிற, பொருள்கோளுக்கு இடந்தருகிற.



Pa"tient, a. Etym: [F., fr. L. patiens, -entis, p.pr. of pati to suffer. Cf. Pathos, Passion.] 1. Having the quality of enduring; physically able to suffer or bear. Patient of severest toil and hardship. Bp. Fell. 2. Undergoing pains, trails, or the like, without murmuring or fretfulness; bearing up with equanimity against trouble; long- suffering. 3. Constant in pursuit or exertion; persevering; calmly diligent; as, patient endeavor. Whatever I have done is due to patient thought. Sir I. Newton. 4. Expectant with calmness, or without discontent; not hasty; not overeager; composed. Not patient to expect the turns of fate. Prior. 5. Forbearing; long-suffering. Be patient toward all men. 1 Thess. v. 14. Pa"tient, n. 1. ONe who, or that which, is passively affected; a passive recipient. Malice is a passion so impetuous and precipitate that often involves the agent and the patient. Gov. of Tongue. 2. A person under medical or surgical treatment; -- correlative to physician or nurse. Like a physician, . . . seeing his patient in a pestilent fever. Sir P. Sidney. In patient, a patient who receives lodging and food, as treatment, in a hospital or an infirmary. -- Out patient, one who receives advice and medicine, or treatment, from an infirmary. Pa"tient, v. t. Defn: To compose, to calm. [Obs.] "Patient yourself, madam." Shak.

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