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n. நாட்டுப்புற வாழ்க்கை குறிக்கும் நாடகம், முல்லைத்திணைப்பாட்டு, முல்லைநிலவாழ்க்கைக் காட்சிப்படம், சமயகுரு மக்களுக்கு எழுதிவிடுக்கும் கடிதம், (பெ.) ஆயர்களைச் சார்ந்த, நிலவகையில் மேய்ச்சலுக்குப் பயன்படுகிற, பாடல்கள் முதலியவை வகையில் நாட்டுப்புற வாழ்க்கையை விரிக்கிற, சமயகுரு சார்ந்த.

Pas"tor*al, a. Etym: [L. pastoralis: cf. F. pastoral. See Pastor.] 1. Of or pertaining to shepherds; hence, relating to rural life and scenes; as, a pastoral life. 2. Relating to the care of souls, or to the pastor of a church; as, pastoral duties; a pastoral letter. Pastoral staff (Eccl.), a staff, usually of the form of a shepherd's crook, borne as an official emblem by a bishop, abbot, abbess, or other prelate privileged to carry it. See Crook, and Crosier. -- Pastoral Theology, that part of theology which treats of the duties of pastors. Pas"tor*al, n. 1. A poem describing the life and manners of shepherds; a poem in which the speakers assume the character of shepherds; an idyl; a bucolic. A pastoral is a poem in which any action or passion is represented by its effects on a country life. Rambler. 2. (Mus.) Defn: A cantata relating to rural life; a composition for instruments characterized by simplicity and sweetness; a lyrical composition the subject of which is taken from rural life. Moore (Encyc. of Music). 3. (Eccl.) Defn: A letter of a pastor to his charge; specifically, a letter addressed by a bishop to his diocese; also (Prot. Epis. Ch.), a letter of the House of Bishops, to be read in each parish.

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