Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. பங்குபெறு, தொடர்புகொள், கலந்துகொள், பண்பினைச் சிறிது பெற்றிரு.


Par*tic"i*pate, a. Etym: [L. participatus, p.p. of participare to participate; pars, partis, part + capere to take. See Part, and Capacious.] Defn: Acting in common; participating. [R.] Shak. Par*tic"i*pate, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Participated; p. pr. & vb. n. Participating.] Defn: Tj have a share in common with others; to take a part; to partake; -- followed by in, formely by of; as, to participate in a debate. Shak. So would he participateof their wants. Hayward. Mine may come when men With angels may participate. Milton. Par*tic"i*pate, v. t. 1. To partake of; to share in; to receive a part of. [R.] Fit to participate all rational delight. Milton. 2. To impart, or give, or share of. [Obs.] Drayton.

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