Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பல்வண்ண மலர்கள் காடாக வளரம் தோட்டச் செடிவகை, பெண்ணியல்புள்ள இளைஞன், தன்னொத்த பாலினருல்ன் கூடுபவன்.

Pan"sy, n.; pl. Pansies. Etym: [F. Pensée thought, pansy, fr. penser to think, L. pensare to weigh, ponder. See Pensive.] (Bot.) Defn: A plant of the genus Viola (V. tricolor) and its blossom, originally purple and yellow. Cultivated varieties have very large flowers of a great diversity of colors. Called also heart's-ease, love-in-idleness, and many other quaint names.

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