Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. உடன்படிக்கைப் பேச்சுத் தொடக்கம் நேசத்தொடர்பு முயற்சி, தனிமுறைக் கோரிக்கை, முறைநிலை வேண்டுகோள், காதற்கோரிக்கை, மணவுறவுக் கோரிக்கை, (இசை) அரங்குத் தொடக்க நிகழ்ச்சி.



O"ver*ture, Etym: [OF. overture, F. ouverture, fr. OF. ovrir, F. ouvrir. See Overt.] 1. An opening or aperture; a recess; a recess; a chamber. [Obs.] Spenser. "The cave's inmost overture." Chapman. 2. Disclosure; discovery; revelation. [Obs.] It was he That made the overture of thy treasons to us. Shak. 3. A proposal; an offer; a proposition formally submitted for consideration, acceptance, or rejection. "The great overture of the gospel." Barrow. 4. (Mus.) Defn: A composition, for a full orchestra, designed as an introduction to an oratorio, opera, or ballet, or as an independent piece; -- called in the latter case a concert overture. O"ver*ture, v. t. Defn: To make an overture to; as, to overture a religious body on some subject.

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