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-1 n. (இசை) நிலைச்சுரத்தோடு கம்மிய தொனியுடன் கேட்கப்பெறும் மேற்சுரம்.-2 n. மேற்பூச்சின் எதிர்நிழல் வண்ணம்.

O"ver*tone`, n. Etym: [A translation of G. oberton. See Over,Tone.] (Mus.) Defn: One of the harmonics faintly heard with and above a tone as it dies away, produced by some aliquot portion of the vibrating sting or column of air which yields the fundamental tone; one of the natural harmonic scale of tones, as the octave, twelfth, fifteenth, etc.; an aliquot or "partial" tone; a harmonic. See Harmonic, and Tone. Tyndall. O"ver*tone`, n. Etym: [A translation of G. oberton. See Over,Tone.] (Mus.) Defn: One of the harmonics faintly heard with and above a tone as it dies away, produced by some aliquot portion of the vibrating sting or column of air which yields the fundamental tone; one of the natural harmonic scale of tones, as the octave, twelfth, fifteenth, etc.; an aliquot or "partial" tone; a harmonic. See Harmonic, and Tone. Tyndall.

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