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v. ஒதுக்கித் தள்ளு, உதறித்தள்ளு,

O`ver*rule", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Overruled; p. pr. & vb. n. Overruling.] 1. To rule over; to govern or determine by superior authority. 2. To rule or determine in a contrary way; to decide against; to abrogate or alter; as, God overrules the purposes of men; the chairman overruled the point of order. His passion and animosity overruled his conscience. Clarendon. These [difficulties] I had habitually overruled. F. W. Newman. 3. (Law) Defn: To supersede, reject, annul, or rule against; as, the plea, or the decision, was overruled by the court. O`ver*rule", v. i. Defn: To be superior or supreme in rulling or controlling; as, God rules and overrules. Shak.

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