Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பெண் கருப்பை, கருவகம், முட்டைப்பை, மலரின் சூலக அடிப்பகுதிக் கூறு, கருமுளை.

O"va*ry, n.; pl. Ovaries. Etym: [NL. ovarium, fr. L. ovum egg: cf. F. ovaire. See Oval.] 1. (Bot.) Defn: That part of the pistil which contains the seed, and in most flowering plants develops into the fruit. See Illust. of Flower. 2. (Zoöl. & Anat.) Defn: The essential female reproductive organ in which the ova are produced. See Illust. of Discophora.

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