Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. காஞ்சனப்புள், கருமை பொன்மைநிற இறக்கைகளையுடைய மண்டலப்பறவை வகை.

O"ri*ole, n. Etym: [OF. oriol, oriouz, orieus, F. loriot (for l'oriol), fr. L. aureolus golden, dim. of aureus golden, fr. aurum gold. Cf. Aureole, Oriel, Loriot.] (Zoöl.) (a) Any one of various species of Old World singing birds of the family Oriolidæ. They are usually conspicuously colored with yellow and black. The European or golden oriole (Oriolus galbula, or O. oriolus) has a very musical flutelike note. (b) In America, any one of several species of the genus Icterus, belonging to the family Icteridæ. See Baltimore oriole, and Orchard oriole, under Orchard. Crested oriole. (Zoöl.) See Cassican.

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