Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. கொடிய, பீடையான, ஒறுக்கும் பாங்குடைய, பெருஞ்சுமையாயுள்ள, கொடுங்கோன்மையான, அடக்கியாள்கிற.



Op*press"ive, a. Etym: [Cf. F. oppressif.] 1. Unreasonably burdensome; unjustly severe, rigorous, or harsh; as, oppressive taxes; oppressive exactions of service; an oppressive game law. Macaulay. 2. Using oppression; tyrannical; as, oppressive authority or commands. 3. Heavy; overpowering; hard to be borne; as, oppressive grief or woe. To ease the soul of one oppressive weight. Pope. -- Op*press"ive*ly, adv. -- Op*press"ive*ness, n.

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