Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. முட்டாள், பேதை, வெப்பமண்டலக் கடற்பறவை வகை.

Nod"dy, n.; pl. Noddies. Etym: [Prob. fr. nod to incline the head, either as in assent, or from drowsiness.] 1. A simpleton; a fool. L'Estrange. 2. (Zoöl.) (a) Any tern of the genus Anous, as A. stolidus. (b) The arctic fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis). Sometimes also applied to other sea birds. 3. An old game at cards. Halliwell. 4. A small two-wheeled one-horse vehicle. 5. An inverted pendulum consisting of a short vertical flat spring which supports a rod having a bob at the top; -- used for detecting and measuring slight horizontal vibrations of a body to which it is attached.

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