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Mu"sic*al, a. Etym: [Cf. F. musical.] Defn: Of or pertaining to music; having the qualities of music; or the power of producing music; devoted to music; melodious; harmonious; as, musical proportion; a musical voice; musical instruments; a musical sentence; musical persons. Musical, or Music, box, a box or case containing apparatus moved by clockwork so as to play certain tunes automatically. -- Musical fish (Zoöl.), any fish which utters sounds under water, as the drumfish, grunt, gizzard shad, etc. -- Musical glasses, glass goblets or bowls so tuned and arranged that when struck, or rubbed, they produce musical notes. CF. Harmonica, 1. Mu"sic*al, n. 1. Music. [Obs.] To fetch home May with their musical. Spenser. 2. A social entertainment of which music is the leading feature; a musical party. [Colloq.]

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