Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. (கண) பெருக்கு, பெருகு, மிகுதிப்படுத்து, இனம்பெருக்கு, இனப்பெருக்கமுறு, வளாத்துப் பெருக்கு,. பன்மடங்காக்கு.

Mul"ti*ply, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Multiplied; p. pr. & vb. n. Multiplying.] Etym: [F. multiplier, L. multiplicare, fr. multiplex manifold. See Multitude, Complex.] 1. To increase in number; to make more numerous; to add quantity to. Impunity will multiply motives to disobedience. Ames. 2. (Math.) Defn: To add (any given number or quantity) to itself a certain number of times; to find the product of by multiplication; thus 7 multiplied by 8 produces the number 56; to multiply two numbers. See the Note under Multiplication. 3. To increase (the amount of gold or silver) by the arts of alchemy. [Obs.] Multiplying gear (Mach.), gear for increasing speed. -- Multiplying lens. (Opt.) See under Lens. Mul"ti*ply, v. i. 1. To become greater in number; to become numerous. When men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. Gen. vi. 1. 2. To increase in extent and influence; to spread. The word of God grew and multiplied. Acts xii. 24. 3. To increase amount of gold or silver by the arts of alchemy. [Obs.] Chaucer.

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