Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. நீதிநெறி ஆய்வு செய், நெறிமுறை பயில், நீதி காட்டு, ஒழுக்கமுறைச் சார்பாகப் பொருட்படுத்து, நன்னெறிக்காட்டு, நடை சீர்ப்படுத்து.

Mor"al*ize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Moralized; p. pr. & vb. n. Moralizing.] Etym: [Cf. F. moraliser.] 1. To apply to a moral purpose; to explain in a moral sense; to draw a moral from. This fable is moralized in a common proverb. L'Estrange. Did he not moralize this spectacle Shak. 2. To furnish with moral lessons, teachings, or examples; to lend a moral to. While chastening thoughts of sweetest use, bestowed By Wisdom, moralize his pensive road. Wordsworth. 3. To render moral; to correct the morals of. It had a large share in moralizing the poor white people of the country. D. Ramsay. 4. To give a moral quality to; to affect the moral quality of, either for better or worse. Good and bad stars moralize not our actions. Sir T. Browne. Mor"al*ize, v. i. Defn: To make moral reflections; to regard acts and events as involving a moral.

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