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n. pl. தட்டம்மை, புட்டாளம்மை, அம்மைக் கொப்புளங்கள், பன்றியின் நோய்வகை.

Mea"sles, n. Etym: [From lst Measle.] Defn: Leprosy; also, a leper. [Obs.] Mea"sles, n.; pl. in form, but used as singular in senses 1, 2, & 3. Etym: [D. mazelen; akin to G. masern, pl., and E. mazer, and orig. meaning, little spots. See Mazer.] 1. (Med.) Defn: A contagious febrile disorder commencing with catarrhal symptoms, and marked by the appearance on the third day of an eruption of distinct red circular spots, which coalesce in a crescentic form, are slightly raised above the surface, and after the fourth day of the eruption gradually decline; rubeola. Measles commences with the ordinary symptoms of fever. Am. Cyc. 2. (Veter. Med.) Defn: A disease of cattle and swine in which the flesh is filled with the embryos of different varieties of the tapeworm. 3. A disease of trees. [Obs.] 4. pl. (Zoöl.) Defn: The larvæ of any tapeworm (Tænia) in the cysticerus stage, when contained in meat. Called also bladder worms.

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