Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஔ஢ளிய மெல் ஊதாநிறச் சாயவகை, (பெயரிடை) ஔ஢ளிய மெல் ஊதா நிறமான.

Mauve, n. Etym: [F., mallow, L. malva. So named from the similarity of the color to that of the petals of common mallow, Malva sylvestris. See Mallow.] Defn: A color of a delicate purple, violet, or lilac. Mauve aniline (Chem.), a dyestuff produced artificially by the oxidation of commercial aniline, and the first discovered of the so-called coal- tar, or aniline, dyes. It consists of the sulphate of mauveïne, and is a dark brown or bronze amorphous powder, which dissolves to a beatiful purple color. Called also aniline purple, violine, etc.

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