Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. கருப்பை, உருவாகுமிடம், முதிர்விடம், விலங்குறுப்பில் உரு அமைவூட்டும் கூறு, மணிக்கற்கைள் உள்ளடக்கிய பாறைத்திரள், உயிரணுக்களுக்கிடையே உள்ள பொருள், அச்சுவார்ப்புரு, (உயி) உயிர்ம அடையீட்டடுப் பொருள்.

Ma"trix, n.; pl. Matrices. Etym: [L., fr. mater mother. See Mother, and cf. Matrice.] 1. (Anat.) Defn: The womb. All that openeth the matrix is mine. Ex. xxxiv. 19. 2. Hence, that which gives form or origin to anything; as: (a) (Mech.) The cavity in which anything is formed, and which gives it shape; a die; a mold, as for the face of a type. (b) (Min.) The earthy or stony substance in which metallic ores or crystallized minerals are found; the gangue. (c) pl. (Dyeing) Defn: The five simple colors, black, white, blue, red, and yellow, of which all the rest are composed. 3. (Biol.) Defn: The lifeless portion of tissue, either animal or vegetable, situated between the cells; the intercellular substance. 4. (Math.) Defn: A rectangular arrangement of symbols in rows and columns. The symbols may express quantities or operations.

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