Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. நட்டுப்படம், நிலப்படம், உலகப்படம், (வினை) நிலப்படம் வரை, உலகப்படம் வகு, தாளில் நாட்டுப்படம் எழுது, திட்டமிடு.

Map, n. Etym: [From F. mappe, in mappemonde map of the world, fr. L. mappa napkin, signal cloth; -- a Punic word. Cf. Apron, Napkin, Nappe.] 1. A representation of the surface of the earth, or of some portion of it, showing the relative position of the parts represented; -- usually on a flat surface. Also, such a representation of the celestial sphere, or of some part of it. Note: There are five principal kinds of projection used in making maps: the orthographic, the stereographic, the globuar, the conical, and the cylindrical, or Mercator's projection. See Projection. 2. Anything which represents graphically a succession of events, states, or acts; as, an historical map. Thus is his cheek the map of days outworn. Shak. Map lichen (Bot.), a lichen (Lecidea geographica.) growing on stones in curious maplike figures. Dr. Prior. Map, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mapped; p. pr. & vb. n. Mapping.] Defn: To represent by a map; -- often with out; as, to survey and map, or map out, a county. Hence, figuratively: To represent or indicate systematically and clearly; to sketch; to plan; as, to map, or map out, a journey; to map out business. I am near to the place where they should meet, if Pisanio have mapped it truly. Shak.

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