Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. கையேடு, சிறு குறிப்பு ஏடு, கைகளால் வாசிக்கப்படும் இசைக்கருவியின் இசைப் பட்டடை, (வர) சமயவினைச் சடங்கில் திருக்கோயில் குருவால் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் சமயவிதி ஏடு, (பெயரடை) கைகள் சார்ந்த, கைகளால் செய்யப்பட்ட.

Man"u*al, a. Etym: [OE. manuel, F. manuel, L. manualis, fr. manus hand; prob. akin to AS. mund hand, protection, OHG. munt, G. mündel a ward, vormund guardian, Icel. mund hand. Cf. Emancipate, Legerdemain, Maintain, Manage, Manner, Manur, Mound a hill.] Defn: Of or pertaining to the hand; done or made by the hand; as, manual labor; the king's sign manual. "Manual and ocular examination." Tatham. Manual alphabet. See Dactylology. -- Manual exercise (Mil.) the exercise by which soldiers are taught the use of their muskets and other arms. -- Seal manual, the impression of a seal worn on the hand as a ring. -- Sign manual. See under Sign. Man"u*al, n. Etym: [Cf. F. manuel, LL. manuale. See Manual, a.] 1. A small book, such as may be carried in the hand, or conveniently handled; a handbook; specifically, the service book of the Roman Catholic Church. This manual of laws, styled the Confessor's Laws. Sir M. Hale. 2. (Mus.) Defn: A keyboard of an organ or harmonium for the fingers, as distinguished from the pedals; a clavier, or set of keys. Moore (Encyc. of Music). 3. (Mil.) Defn: A prescribed exercise in the systematic handing of a weapon; as, the manual of arms; the manual of the sword; the manual of the piece (cannon, mortar, etc.).

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