Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. ஆப்பிரிக்க பழங்குடிகள் நாணயமாக வழங்கும் உலோக வளையல்கள்.-1 n. ஆப்பிரிக்க பழங்குடிகள் நாணயமாக வழங்கும் உலோக வளையல்கள்.-2 n. பிலிப்பைன் தீவுகளின் தலைநகரம், கயிறு-பாய் செய்வதற்கு உதவும் சணல் நார் வகை, மணிலாவில் செய்யப்படும் சுருட்டு வகை.-2 n. பிலிப்பைன் தீவுகளின் தலைநகரம், கயிறு-பாய் செய்வதற்கு உதவும் சணல் நார் வகை, மணிலாவில் செய்யப்படும் சுருட்டு வகை.

Ma*nil"la, n. Etym: [Sp. manilla; cf. It. maniglio, maniglia; F. manille; Pg. manilha; all fr. L. manus hand, and formed after the analogy of L. monile, pl. monilia, necklace: cf. F. manille.] 1. A ring worn upon the arm or leg as an ornament, especially among the tribes of Africa. 2. A piece of copper of the shape of a horseshoe, used as money by certain tribes of the west coast of Africa. Simmonds. Ma*nil"la, a. Defn: Same as Manila. Ma*nil"a, Ma*nil"la, a. Defn: Of or pertaining to Manila or Manilla, the capital of the Philippine Islands; made in, or exported from, that city. Manila cheroot or cigar, a cheroot or cigar made of tobacco grown in the Philippine Islands. -- Manila hemp, a fibrous material obtained from the Musa textilis, a plant allied to the banana, growing in the Philippine and other East India islands; -- called also by the native name abaca. From it matting, canvas, ropes, and cables are made. -- Manila paper, a durable brown or buff paper made of Manila hemp, used as a wrapping paper, and as a cheap printing and writing paper. The name is also given to inferior papers, made of other fiber. Ma*nil"la, n. Etym: [Sp. manilla; cf. It. maniglio, maniglia; F. manille; Pg. manilha; all fr. L. manus hand, and formed after the analogy of L. monile, pl. monilia, necklace: cf. F. manille.] 1. A ring worn upon the arm or leg as an ornament, especially among the tribes of Africa. 2. A piece of copper of the shape of a horseshoe, used as money by certain tribes of the west coast of Africa. Simmonds. Ma*nil"la, a. Defn: Same as Manila. Ma*nil"a, Ma*nil"la, a. Defn: Of or pertaining to Manila or Manilla, the capital of the Philippine Islands; made in, or exported from, that city. Manila cheroot or cigar, a cheroot or cigar made of tobacco grown in the Philippine Islands. -- Manila hemp, a fibrous material obtained from the Musa textilis, a plant allied to the banana, growing in the Philippine and other East India islands; -- called also by the native name abaca. From it matting, canvas, ropes, and cables are made. -- Manila paper, a durable brown or buff paper made of Manila hemp, used as a wrapping paper, and as a cheap printing and writing paper. The name is also given to inferior papers, made of other fiber.

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