Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. போர்க்கப்பல், நாட்டின் கடற்படையைச் சேர்ந்த போர்த்தளவாடக் கப்பல்.

Man`-*of`-*war", n; pl. Men-of-war. Defn: A government vessel employed for the purposes of war, esp. one of large size; a ship of war. Man-of-war bird (Zoöl.), The frigate bird; also applied to the skua gulls, and to the wandering albatross. -- Man-of-war hawk (Zoöl.), the frigate bird. -- Man-of-war's man, a sailor serving in a ship of war. -- Portuguese man-of-war (Zoöl.), any species of the genus Physalia. See Physalia.

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