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n. நிரைகோடு, தீர்க்காம்ச ரேகை, நீளப்பாங்கு.

Lon"gi*tude, n. Etym: [F., fr. L. longitudo, fr. longus long.] 1. Length; measure or distance along the longest line; -- distinguished from breadth or thickness; as, the longitude of a room; rare now, except in a humorous sense. Sir H. Wotton. The longitude of their cloaks. Sir. W. Scott. Mine [shadow] spindling into longitude immense. Cowper. 2. (Geog.) Defn: The arc or portion of the equator intersected between the meridian of a given place and the meridian of some other place from which longitude is reckoned, as from Greenwich, England, or sometimes from the capital of a country, as from Washington or Paris. The longitude of a place is expressed either in degrees or in time; as, that of New York is 74º or 4 h. 56 min. west of Greenwich. 3. (Astron.) Defn: The distance in degrees, reckoned from the vernal equinox, on the ecliptic, to a circle at right angles to the ecliptic passing through the heavenly body whose longitude is designated; as, the longitude of Capella is 79º. Geocentric longitude (Astron.), the longitude of a heavenly body as seen from the earth. -- Heliocentric longitude, the longitude of a heavenly body, as seen from the sun's center. -- Longitude stars, certain stars whose position is known, and the data in regard to which are used in observations for finding the longitude, as by lunar distances.

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