Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 a. கல்சார்ந்த அல்லது குண்டிக்காயில் கல்லுடைய.-2 a. (வேதி.) கல்லியம் சார்ந்த.

Lith"ic, a. Etym: [Gr. lithique.] 1. Of or pertaining to stone; as, lithic architecture. 2. (Med.) Defn: Pertaining to the formation of uric-acid concretions (stone) in the bladder and other parts of the body; as, lithic diathesis. LIthic acid (Old Med. Chem.), uric acid. See Uric acid, under Uric. Lith"ic, n. (Med.) Defn: A medicine which tends to prevent stone in the bladder. Lith"ic, a. Etym: [From Lithium.] (Chem.) Defn: Pertaining to or denoting lithium or some of its compounds. Frankland. Lith"ic, a. Etym: [Gr. lithique.] 1. Of or pertaining to stone; as, lithic architecture. 2. (Med.) Defn: Pertaining to the formation of uric-acid concretions (stone) in the bladder and other parts of the body; as, lithic diathesis. LIthic acid (Old Med. Chem.), uric acid. See Uric acid, under Uric. Lith"ic, n. (Med.) Defn: A medicine which tends to prevent stone in the bladder. Lith"ic, a. Etym: [From Lithium.] (Chem.) Defn: Pertaining to or denoting lithium or some of its compounds. Frankland.

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