Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. பீரங்கி வண்டியின் கழற்றக்கூடிய முன்பகுதி, (வினை) பீரங்கி வண்டியின் முன்பகுதியைப் பீரங்கியோடு சேர், பீரங்கி வண்டியின் இரு பகுதிகளையும் இணைத்துப் பூட்டு.-2 n. (கப்.) இறைப்புக்குழாய்க் கிடங்குக்குக் கழிவு நீர் செல்வதற்காக தளக்கட்டைப் பலகையில் வெட்டப்பட்ட துளைகளுள் ஒன்று.-3 a. எளிதில் வளையக்கூடிய, துவளத்தக்க, (வினை) வளையும்படி செய், துவளச்செய், இளக்கமாகும்படி செய்.

Lim"ber, n. Etym: [For limmer, Icel. limar branches, boughs, pl. of lim; akin to E. limb. See Limb a branch.] 1. pl. Defn: The shafts or thills of a wagon or carriage. [Prov. Eng.] 2. (Mil.) Defn: The detachable fore part of a gun carriage, consisting of two wheels, an axle, and a shaft to which the horses are attached. On top is an ammunition box upon which the cannoneers sit. 3. pl. (Naut.) Defn: Gutters or conduits on each side of the keelson to afford a passage for water to the pump well. Limber boards (Naut.), short pieces of plank forming part of the lining of a ship's floor immediately above the timbers, so as to prevent the limbers from becoming clogged. -- Limber box or chest (Mil.), a box on the limber for carrying ammunition. -- Limber rope, Limber chain or Limber clearer (Naut.), a rope or chain passing through the limbers of a ship, by which they may be cleared of dirt that chokes them. Totten. -- Limber strake (Shipbuilding), the first course of inside planking next the keelson. Lim"ber v. t. [imp. & p. p. Limbered; p. pr. & vb. n. Limbering.] (Mil.) Defn: To attach to the limber; as, to limber a gun. To limber up, to change a gun carriage into a four-wheeled vehicle by attaching the limber. Lim"ber, a. Etym: [Akin to lim, a. Limp, a.] Defn: Easily bent; flexible; pliant; yielding. Milton. The bargeman that doth row with long and limber oar. Turbervile. Lim"ber, v. t. Defn: To cause to become limber; to make flexible or pliant. Richardson. Lim"ber, n. Etym: [For limmer, Icel. limar branches, boughs, pl. of lim; akin to E. limb. See Limb a branch.] 1. pl. Defn: The shafts or thills of a wagon or carriage. [Prov. Eng.] 2. (Mil.) Defn: The detachable fore part of a gun carriage, consisting of two wheels, an axle, and a shaft to which the horses are attached. On top is an ammunition box upon which the cannoneers sit. 3. pl. (Naut.) Defn: Gutters or conduits on each side of the keelson to afford a passage for water to the pump well. Limber boards (Naut.), short pieces of plank forming part of the lining of a ship's floor immediately above the timbers, so as to prevent the limbers from becoming clogged. -- Limber box or chest (Mil.), a box on the limber for carrying ammunition. -- Limber rope, Limber chain or Limber clearer (Naut.), a rope or chain passing through the limbers of a ship, by which they may be cleared of dirt that chokes them. Totten. -- Limber strake (Shipbuilding), the first course of inside planking next the keelson. Lim"ber v. t. [imp. & p. p. Limbered; p. pr. & vb. n. Limbering.] (Mil.) Defn: To attach to the limber; as, to limber a gun. To limber up, to change a gun carriage into a four-wheeled vehicle by attaching the limber. Lim"ber, a. Etym: [Akin to lim, a. Limp, a.] Defn: Easily bent; flexible; pliant; yielding. Milton. The bargeman that doth row with long and limber oar. Turbervile. Lim"ber, v. t. Defn: To cause to become limber; to make flexible or pliant. Richardson. Lim"ber, n. Etym: [For limmer, Icel. limar branches, boughs, pl. of lim; akin to E. limb. See Limb a branch.] 1. pl. Defn: The shafts or thills of a wagon or carriage. [Prov. Eng.] 2. (Mil.) Defn: The detachable fore part of a gun carriage, consisting of two wheels, an axle, and a shaft to which the horses are attached. On top is an ammunition box upon which the cannoneers sit. 3. pl. (Naut.) Defn: Gutters or conduits on each side of the keelson to afford a passage for water to the pump well. Limber boards (Naut.), short pieces of plank forming part of the lining of a ship's floor immediately above the timbers, so as to prevent the limbers from becoming clogged. -- Limber box or chest (Mil.), a box on the limber for carrying ammunition. -- Limber rope, Limber chain or Limber clearer (Naut.), a rope or chain passing through the limbers of a ship, by which they may be cleared of dirt that chokes them. Totten. -- Limber strake (Shipbuilding), the first course of inside planking next the keelson. Lim"ber v. t. [imp. & p. p. Limbered; p. pr. & vb. n. Limbering.] (Mil.) Defn: To attach to the limber; as, to limber a gun. To limber up, to change a gun carriage into a four-wheeled vehicle by attaching the limber. Lim"ber, a. Etym: [Akin to lim, a. Limp, a.] Defn: Easily bent; flexible; pliant; yielding. Milton. The bargeman that doth row with long and limber oar. Turbervile. Lim"ber, v. t. Defn: To cause to become limber; to make flexible or pliant. Richardson.

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