Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. தூதுப்பேராட்களை அனுப்புதல், நிலைத்தூதுக்குழு, தாதுவப்பேராளர் குழு, வௌதநாட்டமைச்சுப் பரிவாரக் குழு. வௌ஢ளிநாட்டமைச்சர் உரிமைப் பணிமனையிடம்.

Le*ga"tion, n. Etym: [L. legatio: cf. F. légation, It. legazione. See Legate.] 1. The sending forth or commissioning one person to act for another. "The Divine legation of Moses." Bp. Warburton. 2. A legate, or envoy, and the persons associated with him in his mission; an embassy; or, in stricter usage, a diplomatic minister and his suite; a deputation. 3. The place of business or official residence of a diplomatic minister at a foreign court or seat of government. 4. A district under the jurisdiction of a legate.

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