Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. நிறைவு, (பெ.)வரையாது கொடுக்கிற, மட்டுமிஞ்சிச் செலவிடுகிற, ஏராளமான விளைவைத் தருகிற, தாராளமான, ஊதாரித்தனமான, அளவு மீறிச் செலவிடுகிற, (வினை) தாராளமாகக் கொடு, மட்டுமீறிச் செலவிடு.


profuse, unsparing, extravagant, bountiful, wasteful, prodigal #verb pour, heap, squander, waste


chary, sparing, niggardly, economical, dainty, close,retentive #verb husband, store, keep, retain, accumulate, hoard, treasure,spare

Lav"ish, a. Etym: [Akin to E. lave to lade out; cf. AS. gelafian to refresh, G. laben.] 1. Expending or bestowing profusely; profuse; prodigal; as, lavish of money; lavish of praise. 2. Superabundant; excessive; as, lavish spirits. Let her have needful, but not lavish, means. Shak. Syn. -- Profuse; prodigal; wasteful; extravagant; exuberant; immoderate. See Profuse. Lav"ish, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Lavished; p. pr. & vb. n. Lavishing.] Defn: To expend or bestow with profusion; to use with prodigality; to squander; as, to lavish money or praise.

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