Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. நெட்டுழைப்புத் துணி வகை, (பெ.) நீடித்திருக்கிற, நிலைத்த, நிலைபேறுள்ள, நீடித்து உழைக்கக்கூடிய.


Last"ing, a. Defn: Existing or continuing a long while; enduring; as, a lasting good or evil; a lasting color. Syn. -- Durable; permanent; undecaying; perpetual; unending. -- Lasting, Permanent, Durable. Lasting commonly means merely continuing in existence; permanent carries the idea of continuing in the same state, position, or course; durable means lasting in spite of agencies which tend to destroy. Last"ing, n. 1. Continuance; endurance. Locke. 2. A species of very durable woolen stuff, used for women's shoes; everlasting. 3. The act or process of shaping on a last. Last"ing, adv. Defn: In a lasting manner.

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