Tamil Dictionary 🔍


Knot"ted, a. 1. Full of knots; having knots knurled; as, a knotted cord; the knotted oak. Dryden. 2. Interwoven; matted; entangled. Make . . . thy knotted and combined locks to part. Shak. 3. Having intersecting lines or figures. The west corner of thy curious knotted garden. Shak. 4. (Geol.) Defn: Characterized by small, detached points, chiefly composed of mica, less decomposable than the mass of the rock, and forming knots in relief on the weathered surface; as, knotted rocks. Percival. 5. Entangled; puzzling; knotty. [R.] They're catched in knotted lawlike nets. Hudibras.

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